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Why is there interest in the Mein Kampf playbook

Why is there interest in the Mein Kampf playbook

Vol 8 No. 2 Oct 13, 2024
This newsletter reports on the U.S.A., fighting for the face to face bestowal of the essence of democratic law: One person one vote from one free citizen to the next free citizen, to win individual access to earthly desires, which is required to generate a modern and prosperous nation.(This is based on the Transmission of the Law argued by the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin, and the Nichiren Shoshu)
This article was written by arguing Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to a Gohonzon, and reciting this article along with other research material, arguing last moment of life, Time without Beginning and Propagation, as to win objects of desire

 Mein Kampf outlined a Declaration of Independence &  a Constitution.

It’s a roadmap  to strong arm a Nation by a Political Party led by a ‘Strong Personality’


Question: Why talk about Mein Kampf.  Adolph Hitler was its author.  He was responsible for exterminating millions of people.  A vast majority of those exterminated were of Jewish faith. Prior to their extermination many were used for medical experiments, work camps and to populate brothels.  In the end, his Mein Kampf failed.  He was defeated.  Allies then divided Germany into two parts, to prevent it starting another war.

Answer: Yes.  But in recent events, a former President of the USA, Donald Trump has been reported to study it.  And a Supreme Court Justice is friends with a billionaire business man who collects Nazi memorabilia.  The question is why  interest in Mein Kampf?

Question: Well Why?

Answer:  Mein Kampf translates to “My Struggles”. It’s a roadmap for taking over a Nation, by a political party of ‘Strong Personalities’. 

This group is led by a Dictator, another ‘Strong Personality’.  

It outlines a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution.

Mein Kampf claims that all revolutions were not masses rising in anger due to their suffering.  Instead they rose because groups of ‘Strong Personalities’ preached to these masses that they needed to revolt. Their oratory skills, charisma and persuasion enabled a revolution, and eventually an independence. 

It claims that Lenin needed large groups of these ‘Strong Personalities’ for his Bolshevik Revolution. 

This book has  ‘struggles’ and solutions to overcome them, as focus issues for these ‘Strong Personalities’.  It’s title suggests to focus on peoples struggles to win and then distort and twist arguments to win.

Some solutions to struggles are inconspicuous.  Hilter was Austrian, not German.  To convince Germans that he was one of them, he cited that people were bound to each by blood, not by geography.

Question: Does it offer proof that the masses didn’t start a revolution?

Answer:  No it does not.  It says that ‘Strong Personalities’ must tell the masses that their struggles would be solved by a revolution

Question: How do they select these ‘Strong Personalities’?

Answer:  It does not mention any process. It mentions their membership enabled a Party’s Leader.

Question: What is this outline of its Declaration of Independence?

Answer:  These ‘Strong Personalities’ must convince their nation that it must be freed from democratic processes.  It explains that voting by the masses, has not worked.  

It argues that workers must be freed from their Labor Unions and their collective bargaining.  It claims that collective bargaining is based on a workers being valued by a type of work they do.  Instead a new State will provide a State Labor Union where workers will be valued for the quality of their work.

It says that a nation’s population will be freed from membership due to geography.  Instead membership will be based on blood ties.

Three categories will be created. (1) Citizens. These are members of the Political Party, by blood ties (2) Subjects of this new State.  These people are not Citizens (3) Aliens.

It mentions that a Nation must become free of ‘subjects of the state’ and aliens. Eventually ‘Strong Personalities’ of their Party enabled massive extermination camps.

Question: Does it offer any proof that voting by the masses for political candidates, does not work?

Answer:  No. It does not. It says that ‘Strong Personalities’ must say it does not work, to win their revolution.

Question: Does it offer any proof that collective bargaining by Unions does not work.

Answer:  No. It does not. It says that ‘Strong Personalities’ must say it does not work, to win their revolution.

Question: Does it offer any proof that a Nation needs to be based on blood ties.

Answer:  No it does not.  It says that ‘Strong Personalities’ must say it to win their revolution

Question:  Since they do not offer any proof, what do they do?

Answer:  This Political Party and their “Strong Personalities”, led by a Strong Personality, will  infiltrate as many segments of the population, government agencies, businesses, news agencies and recruit.

It cites the Boshevik Revolution.  A huge wave of these ‘Strong Personalities’ were responsible for its revolution.

They will also have “Storm Troopers” easily identified by a general population.  These ‘Storm Troopers’ will protect groups of “Strong Personalities’ from being persecuted.

We will stop discussing its strategies to take over a Nation and its ‘Declaration of Independence’.

It also outlines a Constitution.

Question: Well, what kind of Constitution is outlined?

Answer:  The existing government is considered too huge to simply drop and replace.  Instead, small cadres of ‘Strong Personalities’ from the Political Party will lead each agency and institution and be responsible for all decisions.

In the legislative branches, small cadres of ‘Strong Personalities’  will form a new legislative branch.  It will be responsible for all decisions.  Those existing legislative branches will serve as advisors, only.

For Businesses, again either they are led by a genius with a ‘Strong Personality’  who is an ally and maybe a member of the Political Party, or that business will be led by a small cadre of ‘Strong Personalities’ from the Political Party.

Policies and national strategies will be set by the Party’s Leader and  an elite group of geniuses.  This Party Leader will dictate policy,

Their ‘Storm Troopers’ will expand.

We will stop discussing this “Constitution”.

Question:  Why did it continue to work?

Answer:  As this Nation starts to react to these unfounded truths and lies, their Leader claimed that this new order is good enough for the world.  It mobilized its country into a war machine and started a war.  It then claimed that war victories were proof.

Question: So why is the Mein Kampf popular among some people today?

Answer:  They must lean towards a Mein Kampf revolution,  
