2nd hand marijuana smoke is as potent as 2nd hand cigarette smoke
Vol 2 No. 2 June 11, 2018 |
This newsletter reports on the U.S.A., fighting for the face to face bestowal of the essence of democratic law: One person one vote from one free citizen to the next free citizen, to win individual access to earthly desires, which is required to generate a modern and prosperous nation(This is based on the Transmission of the Law argued by the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin, and the Nichiren Shoshu) |
This article was written by arguing Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to a Gohonzon, and reciting this article along with other research material, arguing last moment of life, Time without Beginning and Propagation, as to win objects of desire |
Question: People who smoke marijuana claim it has minimal impact on their performance.
Answer: Since people claim that marijuana can reduce pain in cancer victims, it definitely has an impact on performance. It took legislation to rate a legal maximum of alcohol in blood, to be able to drive a car. There is no such measurements for marijuana.
There have not been any published studies as to how long it takes for a body to get rid of 2nd hand marijuana smoke. Nor have there been any studies as to how prolonged exposure to 2nd hand marijuana smoke affects children, students, athletes, police, firemen, teachers, etc… In New York City, there is talk of vans parked about, that are selling marijuana to passersby.
Just as cigarette smoke leaves a residual oily smell on clothes and in apartments/houses, marijuana does the same.
Marijuana should continue to be banned for general use. Otherwise, it is an easy crop to grow, harvest, process and sell. To be an UBER driver someone simply needs a car. To become a marijuana seller, someone merely needs a sunlit room.
Otherwise, a very wealthy marijuana industry will emerge that will also be able to afford high priced opposition talent similar to that used by the cigarette industry.
Question: Why are you pointing out 2nd hand smoke from marijuana?
Answer: Today, there is a strong campaign in the USA, that wants to legalize a general use of smoking marijuana. People who favor this, shrug off as inconsequential any ill effects to them or to people about them. It is important to think about unwilling victims of 2nd hand smoke, from marijuana. It is as important as supporting the unwilling victims of the #MeToo Campaign.
We want to ponder on a campaign to reduce cigarette smoking, before a marijuana industry becomes as powerful as that cigarette industry. As US Citizens, we are at tail end of a long struggle against cigarette smoking and its industry. A victory to reduce cigarette smoking took waves of campaigns that extended over tens of years.
Question: Well, then why did a campaign against 2nd hand cigarette smoke, take so long to resolve?
Answer: This cigarette industry built a formidable collective bargaining group devoted to keeping cigarette smoking as an acceptable social norm. They supported this group with funds channeled to highly skilled law firms, research firms, public influence campaigns, highly skilled advertising firms, promotional monies for smoking in Hollywood movies, and cheap distributions to military personnel overseas.
In opposing this norm, there have been a few Hollywood movies about ‘fixers’ in the cigarette industry that silenced dissident scientists. Even today, per a CDC.gov web page, from 2002 to 2017, about 6 of every 10 PG-13 movies (near 57%) showed smoking or other tobacco use.
A first successful wave against cigarette smoking, as a social norm, was Federal legislation that required health warning labels on cigarette packs. This led to a general public becoming acutely aware of health/life dangers from smoking cigarettes. Eventually smoking was forbidden in work offices and public transportation. Employees were told to take cigarette breaks and exit from offices to the streets to smoke.
Victims of cigarette smoke was severely impacting an insurance industry.
As US government monies were channeled to investigate cigarette smoking, new research concluded that even breathing in 2nd hand smoke was as dangerous as actually smoking a cigarette. This led to banning smoking in restaurants, even in some public outdoor spaces. Nowadays, for example, in New York City, there are few people smoking cigarettes and it is highly taxed, which makes it highly expensive.
It must be stressed that campaign steps were expensive and drawn out over tens of years. There were many legal challenges, from the cigarette industry, that had to work their way through the US courts.
People in general, learned to fight this cigarette industry by banding together as a collective bargaining group. They could then afford a legal firm and a protracted legal case that could take tens of years to reach a conclusion. Compensation to a large collective bargaining group represented sufficient fees to a law firm, that could match the legal fees paid by a cigarette industry.
2nd hand cigarette smoke has other more potent poisons. During crack epidemics, with people smoking crack, we can assume that people who inhaled that 2nd hand crack smoke were deeply affected. Los Angeles reported huge surges in homeless people that were victims of crack epidemics. There have not been studies of that homelessness as a result of only 2nd hand crack smoke.
Question: Why are people accepting marijuana smoking?
Answer: There are waves of studies proving marijuana smoking alleviates pain for disease stricken people. For example, marijuana has a public advocacy campaign as being cheap medicine to relieve pain in cancer victims.
Alcohol had been viewed as a cheap painkiller. Hollywood movies will show a person drinking from a bottle of alcohol before a doctor works on them, due to a lack of anesthesia. Today people will refrain from using alcohol as a painkiller due to many adverse studies of addiction, liver failures, and dire economics when alcoholism takes hold.