US Voters summon up their faith to share and thus strengthen their ability to win desires. One solution is when they elect members of collective bargaining groups, such as the US Congress.

US Voters summon up their faith to share and thus strengthen their ability to win desires. One solution is when they elect members of collective bargaining groups, such as the US Congress.

Vol 2 No. 1
February 5, 2018          
This newsletter reports
on the U.S.A., fighting
for the face to face
bestowal of the
essence of democratic
law:  One person one
vote from one free
citizen to the next free
citizen, to win
individual access to
earthly desires, which
is required to generate
a modern and
prosperous nation
(This is based on the
Transmission of the
Law argued by
the Lotus Sutra,
Nichiren Daishonin,
and the Nichiren Shoshu
This article was written
by arguing 
Nam Myoho
Renge Kyo to a
Gohonzon, and reciting
this article along with
other research material,
arguing last moment of
life, Time without
Beginning and
Propagation, as to
win objects of desire

Question: Why do you say US voters summon up their faith to win their desires by electing members of collective bargaining groups, such as the US Congress?

Answer: In the USA, with a population of over 300 million, and over 100 million families,  citizens are concerned how they can share and thus strengthen their abilities to win their desires. One solution is where citizens become business entrepreneurs.  Another solution is to form a multitude of independent collective bargaining groups on a front line of life.
The US Senate and US House of Representatives are independent bodies for collective bargaining, on behalf of voters. Citizens vote to select these representatives.   They also vote for government representatives at local, and state levels.
We have Labor Union leaders that are elected by their members. Labor Unions are independent collective bargaining groups to negotiate contracts with corporations.
In New York City, police personnel and fire fighters are members of Labor Unions. They understand how contracts negotiations can become difficult and drawn out.  Representation by collective bargaining groups is essential.
Musicians in the USA, belong to BAM. This is a collective bargaining group to track royalties.
We can also say that US Banks belong to a collective bargaining group called the Federal Reserve. There are others: American Association of Retired Persons, Coop Groups are also examples of groups formed for collective bargaining. There are thousands of coop groups in the USA.

Question: How are new issues presented to these collective bargaining groups? We hear about lobbyists.

Answer:  In the USA, there is a large body of lobbyist businesses. These firms hire staffs adept at working and winning issues with collective bargaining groups.  In lobbyist teams, certain members are designated to hold firm on negotiation topics.
Many corporations hire staff, as skilled as lobbyists, to negotiate  contracts with Labor Unions.  They will also hire lobbyist businesses to represent their desires before the US Congress and other state and local governments.
A lobbyist business can argue on behalf of an entire US industry, and also represent interest groups  in politics, religion, consumer or human rights, among others.
Today, many collective bargaining groups, such as the US Congress, have sophisticated web sites, which allow individual citizens to petition new issues and get responses.  Some have a staff for town hall meetings where local citizens can attend and speak.
Members of a Labor Union, at a business site, elect shop stewards. Shop stewards provide contract oversight.  Members can discuss their contract issues with them.  Some business managers view shop stewards and Labor Unions as having to deal with a lot of ‘red tape’, that interfere with their strategies.


Question: Are there other groups, similar to Lobbyists?

Answer: We can argue that marketing will use tactics similar to Lobbyists.   Their strategies will identify who votes to buy a company’s services, products, and who doesn’t.  These people are then categorized into ad hoc collective bargaining groups,  Campaigns are then designed to target them. This type of marketing requires massive amounts of data, ( including social media for profiling), skilled psychologists, artists, computer technicians…a huge and sophisticated industry.

Question: These voters also elect a US President and State Governors. How do these officials work with collective bargaining groups, on a front line of democracy?

Answer: Like lobbyist groups, A US President and US State Governors must gather a staff adept at working with collective bargaining groups and lobbyists.   Otherwise, a US Congress can answer: “You cannot implement your plans, this way! Mr. President”.  US Presidents and Governors manage a wide assortment of agencies.  Many rules and regulations from these agencies originated from collective bargaining campaigns.  Though some business managers view these rules and regulations as ‘red tape’ that make their strategies become too complicated and slow.
When citizens feel that agencies, managed by a US President and Governors, are difficult to work with; do not protect their welfare and cannot handle new issues, they view this as fighting “The Establishment”.  Citizens have recourse via class action suits.
When these agencies fail to manage their own assets, then citizens talk about a “crumbling infrastructure”.

Question: What happens when collective bargaining groups are perceived to fail on their front line or even get dissolved or are prevented from forming?

Answer:  US Congress has protected some collective bargaining. They have passed laws to prevent citizens and groups of firms from price fixing .  These are the antitrust laws in the USA.

When citizens perceive injustices against their abilities to win desires, they can form class action lawsuits .  These are ad hoc groups for collective bargaining.
Though recently, lobbyists successfully argued to prevent certain class actions suits against banks. Congress recently  enacted laws that prevent certain class actions suits against banks; allowing only individual arbitration.

Then, some States are passing laws designed to weaken collective bargaining by Labor Unions, by weakening their ability to recruit members. Lobbyist firms have argued that businesses cannot negotiate desired contract terms because Labor Unions are too strong. Though, when Labor Unions negotiate good contracts, there is an economic boom in those regions for consumer goods, housing, education and more.  This is an experience understood by New York City Police and Firefighters.
Extreme collective bargaining groups can be formed when alternatives, for various reasons, become inaccessible.  In US Prisons, collective bargaining by prisoners among themselves has historically been accomplished through gang membership, along racial and regional ties.
It is not without coincidence that groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and KKK strive very hard to prove to their members that on a front line of life, membership in their groups, outside of prisons, will guarantee some kind of paid employment.

Question: Can collective bargaining groups be influenced to lose their good minds?

Answer: Yes. US Labor Unions were the first institutions to hold multi billion dollar pension funds ( valued at today’s buying power).  Organized crime infiltrated Teamsters Union for access to those monies, through loans. There were news reports of people dismissed from the Teamsters Union, a few months shy of qualifying for their pensions. We can assume this was done to protect those loan funds. Since then, laws have passed to remedy access to pensions. This indicates that an organized group can infiltrate collective bargaining groups to corrupt them. In the USA, the FBI is charged with preventing international organized groups and organized crime from corrupting US Government and certain businesses.

Question: How do religious states handle collective bargaining?

Answer: Religious states are very concerned about protecting their religious precepts and laws. In Iran, this protection is a responsibility of a central committee of religious leaders. They have final authorization on any policies from any collective bargaining group. This committee is also responsible to approve any person that wishes to be a representative in a collective bargaining group.
Citizens are encouraged to share in a national drive to defeat infidels and propagate their religious laws and precepts.
In the USA, religious organizations employ lobbyist businesses to represent them before US Congress and other state and local governments.
Also this is another reason that the US Constitution separates State from Church. When a company is owned by a religious group, a leader of that religion and manager of that company, could point at a labor union or other ad hoc public negotiator, about to request benefit increases and thus decrease expected profits and arbitrarily charge them with heresy.  In some countries, this could be an offense punishable by death or exile.

Question: What about countries like Mainland China. How do they handle collective bargaining?

Answer: Many global corporations have studied the political and economic structure of businesses in Mainland China. Of interest is ownership of businesses by a combination of  citizens, international groups and government, without independent collective bargaining groups negotiating work contracts. China is a huge country with a population over a billion citizens. A Central Committee decides on policies to be enacted by local groups. Like the Soviet Union, because their collective bargaining is centralized in a Central Committee, it is difficult to oversight how local groups and businesses are enacting policies and even labor contracts. There is also a struggle with collecting reliable information about implementations of national policies at local levels of a billion citizens. In mainland China there is not a front line of negotiations and oversight among a multitude of independent collective bargaining groups. We can assume that their economic growth has as a most reliable measure, their exports and imports. This is fueled primarily by their international economic zones.

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