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China’s ‘Declaration of Independence’ freed private ownership of
‘means of production’
to become State owned.

China’s Constitutions repeatedly failed to
manage this independence
because it’s priority was not individual’s freedom from tyranny
and recognition of equality

China’s ‘Declaration of Independence’ freed private ownership of
‘means of production’
to become State owned.

China’s Constitutions repeatedly failed to
manage this independence
because it’s priority was not individual’s freedom from tyranny
and recognition of equality

Vol 7 No. 2
Sept 16, 2023
This newsletter reports
on the U.S.A., fighting
for the face to face
bestowal of the
essence of democratic
law: One person one
vote from one free
citizen to the next free
citizen, to win
individual access to
earthly desires, which
is required to generate
a modern and
prosperous nation.
(This is based on the
Transmission of the
Law argued by
the Lotus Sutra,
Nichiren Daishonin,
and the Nichiren Shoshu
This article was written
by arguing Nam Myoho
Renge Kyo to a
Gohonzon, and reciting
this article along with
other research material,
arguing last moment of
life, Time without
Beginning and
Propagation, as to
win objects of desire

Question: China is doing very well today.  How can you prove they are failing?

Answer: Let’s discuss this. China’s Communist Party has been devoted to managing ‘means of production’ for global companies.  Their management was accepted because Deng Xiaoping in late 1970’s allowed partial private ownership and private management of the ‘means of production’ .  During Deng’s tenure, Hong Kong was a global manufacturing powerhouse and needed to build more factories. “Made in Hong Kong” was a common consumer tag.

Deng needed these factories to boost China’s stagnant economy.  Today, because of Deng, China has a hybrid Capitalistic/Communist economy.   The State remains Communist and allows Capitalism to be managed and to exist.  “Made in China” has become a common global consumer tag.

Question: What is this ownership of ‘means of production’?

Answer:  Karl Marx, architect of Communism, preached that private ownership of the ‘means of production’ was victimizing ‘non owners’ particularly workers. This included factories, farms, war production, food processing. Karl Marx advocated that a ‘Communist State’ ownership of these means of production would prevent ‘non owners’ from victimization.

Communists will also argue that many religions victimize individuals by missleading how they can summon faith.

Karl Marx never explained how to shape a Constitution to manage Communist independence.

Question: Well, we have seen that the Soviet Union’s Constitutions have repeatedly failed.  Since Deng, China’s Constitutions doesn’t appear to have failed.

Answer:  In the USA, their “US Constitution” manages their “Declaration of Independence”. Even US States have individual State Constitutions.

In a Communist State, their Constitutions are focused on managing a State’s ownership of their ‘means of production’. If properly managed, Communist preached citizens will not be victimized. A Communist State will share profits and citizens will receive housing, medical care, food, clothes, education, etc at low prices.

But this Communist devotion depends on their economy becoming stronger. If there is a major downturn in their economy or a major epidemic, their Constitution will stop being benevolent to citizens and allow mass arrests of protestors.

This happens because China’s Constitution allows the State to suspend citizen’s rights when the means of production become threatened.  This empowers Communist leaders at local levels to become harsh; shielded against legal retribution.

Even in China with a Capitalistic/Communist regime, during Covid 19, their Constitution allowed harsh treatment of their citizens. Their Constitution allowed very harsh treatment of Hong Kong residents, when their ‘two China’ policy was terminated.

China will insure that its military industrial economy continues to be well funded.

Tyranny takes hold. Independence fails again.

Citizens of the Soviet Union had to make a very strong protest against Communist tyranny. They toppled their Communist regime.

Communist will quickly designate protestors as Non-Communist devotees that need to be expunged. Mao did that. So did Stalin. This happened in Hong Kong.

Question: Then how did China attract global firms to stage their means of production in China.

Answer:  China offered access to their State’s natural resources at cheaper prices. They offered State labor at cheaper prices.  And their State was willing to invest  for ownership purposes.  Hired staff were relunctant to protest about bad treatment. This would be considered protest  against the Communist Central Committee, as protectors of the “means of production”.

Question: What if global firms started to pull out of China.  What if global firms take away their ‘means of production’, now managed in China.

Answer:  This will threaten China’s devotion to their “Declaration of Independence” This is a very serious slander to China’s Communist Party.  Their military could probably instigate wars for additional ‘means of production’.  Or they could nationalize, as South American countries did, in the 1970’s.

Question: How does this relate to Putin’s’ invasion of Ukraine?

Answer:  Putin is a Communist educated leader. He recognizes value as ownership of the ‘means of production’. Putin wants Ukraine’s means of production, as part of Russia’s economic zone.  He shows litle value for neighboring countries’ freedom from tyranny and recognition of equality.  He preached to Russia that Ukraine was led by Nazi’s and needed to be rescued.

This is similar to China’s goal towards Taiwan, Taiwan and China have different economies. But Taiwan has substantial global ‘means of production’.
